My Story

helping you embrace a happy, healthy life by improving your mobility, flexibility and core strength

I have dabbled on and off with various forms of fitness (certainly no fitness fanatic by any means) since my 20s, having first gone to ‘Keep Fit’ with my mum run by the KFA, an organisation which stemmed from the League of Health and Beauty. I certainly wasn’t into sports at school, though did play in the netball team for a while, and took part in the obligatory ‘sports day’, preferring the sprint and shorter distances than long country running! That was my sister’s bag! I’ve tried various forms of fitness along the way - Callanetics, Yoga, Spinning (tried it once!), Aerobics, Step, Aqua-Aerobics (great for post-natal exercise), Jazzercise ... but definitely not running or jogging in any shape or form! So, work, marriage, family and all those things we do in life took over ... fitness became something I tried to fit in every now and then, and never really finding ‘my thing’ meant taking exercise was rather sporadic. Until a few years ago.

I was approaching my 50s and had heard about a local women’s only gym ... I’d never been one for gyms at all, too full of testosterone and stale sweaty smells! But this was totally different. I started off with a couple of classes, HIIT and Legs, Bums, Tums and then thought I’d try out the Pilates ... looked easy! Well, it does look easy ... until you start to learn how to actually do it properly. Six years later I am still a member and enjoy a wide variety of studio classes. I also work out once a week with a Personal Trainer (because my self-motivation is rubbish). But now I am a qualified Pilates instructor ... part inspired by my daughter who underwent spinal fusion surgery in her mid-teens and found that Pilates helped her post-surgery, such that I felt I wanted to ‘spread the Pilates love’ to others who wish to have stronger bodies, improve their inner core and posture and generally improve their overall well-being. It’s been a slow process, fitting in my training around running a full time business and family commitments, but I made it, qualifying in July 2021 as a Level 3 Pilates Instructor with Future Fit’s School of Pilates.

I have been running community classes in my local area of Hemel Hempstead for 3 years now. I would love for you to join me at one of my classes so I can share with you just how beneficial Pilates is – I am proof that it really is of benefit at any stage of your life, whether you’re a seasoned fitness fanatic or a complete novice or somewhere in between.